
The BuildMyCreditScore customer Study

The study of results was based on customers who signed-up in the second half of 2023. A sample set of 774 customers was taken with their data¹ reviewed at the end of their first 3 months² of card usage.

Where customers used the product as recommended³ they saw an increase in their credit score of 52 points on average⁴.

For the 50% of customers who saw the most benefit, the average score increase in the first 3 months was 76 points.

See What affects a credit score, for more information on the different credit reference agencies and their scoring.


1 Score changes based on Transunion reporting

2 "fast" changes to a credit score defined as those changes that happen in the first 3 months of product usage.  

3 Successful cardholders using the product as recommended, as evidenced by a neutral or positive score result over the lifetime of using the card.  

4 Average based on mean of all monthly movements for cohort analysed, as assessed on a cumulative basis between sign-up and score reported in third month after sign-up.